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Tips and tricks!

There may be some questions you have that aren’t covered in the walkthrough itself. Hopefully we answer them here, but if not, check out the FAQ!

How do I get more bells?

  1. Play the stalk market: buy turnips at a low price and sell them high (see
  2. Dive and catch sea creatures to sell back to Nook’s Cranny.
  3. Grow stuff (fruits, flowers, pumpkins, etc) and sell to Nook’s Cranny.
  4. If you have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, trade with other players for various items.
  5. Save spare critters to sell to Flick and CJ, who buy their respective critters for 1.5x more than Nook’s Cranny purchases them for.
  6. Sell spare assessed fossils to Nook’s Cranny.

How do I get more Nook Miles/Nook Miles Tickets?

Unfortunately the only true way to get more Nook Miles is to do the Nook Miles and Nook Miles+ achievements. The other alternative, if all you want are NMT, is to trade with other players.

How do I get more iron nuggets/stone/clay/gold nuggets?

  • Visit Nook Miles Ticket islands (mystery tours). These islands always have rocks you can hit for materials, and have a higher chance of dropping iron nuggets. This is especially helpful when you are building Nook’s Cranny.
  • Wait for the rocks’ respawn (everyday at 5 am) and extract the most materials from each rock by following this guide:
  • Trade with other players if you have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

Can I speed up crafting?

You can! Tap twice to speed up crafting.

How do I accelerate dialogue speed?

Hold , or to speed up dialogue.

I can’t find Wisp’s spirit pieces!

Having trouble finding Wisp’s spirit pieces? Let your character chill out in one spot for a bit – his spirit pieces should eventually move toward you!

How can I tell if I donated X critter to the museum?

Open up your Critterpedia, then find the critter in question. If you have donated it to the museum, it will have a “Donated” stamp with a little owl symbol next to it.

Donated critter

Is there a way to see what fossils I have donated?

Unfortunately, unlike the critters, there’s no way to definitively see which fossils you have donated. That said, if you are the type of player who donates all of the fossils you dig up/assess, you could try checking your catalogue!

How do I tell if the critter I just caught is the first one?

If your character says “Yes!” after they’ve caught a critter successfully, that means it is the first time you have ever caught that critter.

New sea critter

I’m having trouble catching fish. Tips?

  • Turn your volume up and fish by sound. When fish bite (rather than nibble), there is a louder splashing noise that is often easier to detect by ear rather than waiting for the visual cue of the bobber sinking.
  • Sometimes the issue isn’t you, instead it’s an issue of delayed audio/video. In this case, all you can do is predict the bite, go off of rumble, or fish with your Switch undocked.

How do I avoid getting stung by wasps?

Before shaking trees, make sure you have your net equipped. Next, only shake trees from the front. If wasps drop, your character will automatically turn to face them, so all you have to do is press to catch them! Some other alternatives: Run into a nearby building, or use a party popper to scare the wasps away.

Fun fact: There is an achievement called “Netting Better” that yields 1000 Nook Miles the first time you catch five wasps in a row without running away or getting stung.

How do I catch a sea creature that swims faster than me?

There are two options, try them both and see which one works best for you!

  • Option 1: Swim above the shadow without pressing (just use your joystick), then dive when you are on top of the shadow.
  • Option 2: Chase the sea critter into the net. It will turn around if it has nowhere to go, so make sure to dive once you see it turn around.

How do I catch scorpions/tarantulas without them biting me?

The important thing to remember when catching these two bugs is that they give you a warning sign when they are about to attack. They both stop moving, and rear up on their hind legs. When sneaking up on these bugs, make sure you stop approaching when they give you the warning sign. You can move toward them when they stop giving the warning signal. Swing your net when you’re about 1.5 tiles away from them, and that should result in a succesful catch!

Tarantula giving warning sign: Tarantula giving warning sign

Scorpion giving warning sign: Scorpion giving warning sign

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