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How many flower colors are there?

There are 8 different flower types, and 52 different regular colored flowers, plus gold roses and the lily of the valley, for a total of 54 different flowers.

Here is a visual showing each of them:

What are the various growth stages of flowers?

Flowers have 4 stages of growth: seed, stem, bud and bloom. Refer to the graphic below for a viual on how each growth stage looks like.

How do I get more flowers?

Flowers are available to buy from seed bags at Nook’s Cranny and from Leif. Certain flowers are only available during certain months, for a full explanation on the availability of flowers, check out the flower availability calendar.

How do I get gold roses?

Gold roses can only come from a black rose (or a pair of black roses) that have been watered at least once with the golden watering can. You can get the golden watering can by achieving a 5 star island rating, and then talking to Isabelle. Gold roses cannot reproduce or clone, but they can be a breeding partner for another rose.

How do I get the lily of the valley?

The lily of the valley (LoTV) is a special flower that can spawn on your island if it has a 5 star rating. Lily of the valley flowers cannot breed or clone, and are mostly just decorative. They can spawn on certain south-facing cliff edges.

For more information about the lily of the valley, see these: See here for a condensed infographic on LoTVs:

I water my flowers everyday but don’t get a lot of new flowers. What should I do?

Flowers only have a 5% chance to reproduce when watered. There are ways to increase the reproduction chance. The game has built-in bad luck prevention, referred to as the bad luck counter. This counter increases every day that you water a flower, and after 3 days, it will increase the chances of reproduction by 5%, up to a maximum total of 90% after 20 days of watering.

Can other players help water my flowers?

In addition to the bad luck counter, there is also the visitor watering bonus. For every player from a different island that waters a flower, that flower’s reproduction chance increases. Up to 5 different players from any foreign island (5 different islands, or even 5 players from one island on a different switch console) can water your flowers to increase the flower reproduction chance up to an additional 80% on top of the bad luck counter. It is possible to get a flower to 100% chance of reproduction using both of these mechanics.

Here is a graphic explaining this mechanic:

Does rain/animal villagers/other accounts on my island count towards the visitor watering bonus?

No, rain, villagers, and other accounts all count the same as if you watered the flowers. Only players from an island on a different switch console can increase the visitor watering bonus (this also works through local multiplayer between two switches.)

For full information about the specific rates of the bad luck counter and visitor watering bonus, see:

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