Turnips/Stalk Market
When does Daisy Mae visit?
Once you’ve built Nook’s Cranny, Daisy Mae will visit every Sunday from 5:00 AM to 12:00 PM. No NPC or event interrupts her arrival.
How does the Stalk Market work?
Daisy Mae’s prices change every time she visits, and you can buy turnips for 90 to 110 bells per turnip. If you choose to purchase them, you can sell turnips to Nook’s Cranny until Saturday (after which they will rot). Nook’s Cranny can buy turnips at prices ranging from 9 to 660 bells per turnip. Nook’s Cranny has two distinct prices every day, one in the morning (from 8:00 AM to 11:59 AM), then another one in the afternoon (from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM). The goal is to sell your turnips for more than you spent on them to make millions!
For further, extensive details about turnips and the stalk market, read here: https://tinyurl.com/acnhturnipdoc
Stalk Market Tips
- There are varying turnip price patterns, and you can predict the pattern using https://turnipprophet.io/, which uses your prices to predict what future prices might be later in the week.
- If you have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, you can travel to others’ islands for a guaranteed high price. Suggested websites to find high prices: https://turnip.exchange, ACNH Discord Server (https://discord.com/invite/acnh).
- Don’t let your turnips rot! You can’t unspoil them, and Nook’s Cranny will only buy rotten turnips for 100 bells and they won’t be sold as stacks of 10. Instead, they’ll sell as one turnip per stack. Make sure you sell by the following Saturday. Otherwise, they’ll spoil Sunday morning at 5:00 AM.
How do I time travel for good turnip prices?
Your turnip price pattern resets every time you time travel backwards. If you want to fish out big spike price with TT, follow this method:
- TT to Tuesday at 11:58 AM and check your price.
- If the price is not anywhere within the 127-225 range, save and quit. TT back to 11:57 AM, re-login. Repeat this step until the sell price is in that 127-225 range.
- When the price is within the 127-225 range, wait in game until 12:00 PM, then check the price again.
- If the price is not high enough, return to Step 1.
How do I do turnip runs?
Turnip runs are a simple process but can be easily used to make tens of millions of bells. The process requires a Nintendo Switch Online subscription and a partner.
- One person time travels until they find a high turnip price at Nook’s Cranny (see: “How do I time travel for good turnip prices?”).
- Aim for prices of 300 bells or more — the higher the better.
- The other person time travels until they find a low buy price from Daisy Mae. (Simply travel to Sunday, back a day, and forward again until you find your desired price.)
- Aim for prices of less than 95 bells.
- Buy a full inventory from Daisy Mae, travel to the Nook’s Cranny and sell. Rinse, repeat, make money!